Comfort in Every Bite: The Art of Shepherd’s Pie

Herby · 29 November 2023

Welcome to “Comfort in Every Bite: The Art of Vegan Shepherd’s Pie,” an immersive culinary experience designed for those who cherish heartwarming meals and wish to master the art of vegan cooking. In this course, we take a classic comfort food—the beloved shepherd’s pie—and reinvent it with a wholesome, plant-based twist.

Whether you are a seasoned vegan cook or a curious food enthusiast, this course will guide you through the nuances of creating a sumptuous vegan shepherd’s pie from scratch. You will learn how to select the best plant-based ingredients, prepare the rich and savory filling, and craft the perfect creamy potato topping, all while ensuring that your dish is both nutritious and delightfully satisfying.

This Lentil Bolognese recipe serves approximately 4 to 6 people. The total time to prepare and cook this dish is about 1 hour. Here’s the breakdown:

  • Preparation Time: About 15 minutes for rinsing lentils, chopping vegetables, and getting all ingredients ready.
  • Cooking Time:
    • Lentils: 20-25 minutes for boiling the lentils until they are tender.
    • Sauce: Approximately 5-7 minutes for sautéing vegetables, an additional 1-2 minutes for the garlic, followed by 20-30 minutes of simmering the sauce to thicken.

These times are estimates and can vary slightly depending on the speed of chopping, the specific stove and pan used, and desired sauce thickness. But generally, you should be able to have a delicious Lentil Bolognese ready in about an hour.


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