Fridge Raid Friday: Harissa Flavored Yogurt with Roasted Squash and Crispy Lentils

Welcome to another delicious installment of Fridge Raid Fridays! Today, we’re whipping up a unique dish that’ll brighten up your meal with vibrant flavors and textures. Our feature recipe is a delightful Harissa Flavored Yogurt with Roasted Squash, Crispy Lentils, Roasted Shallots and Garlic, and Mixed Fresh Herbs. This dish perfectly embodies the spirit of using what you have to create something spectacular. It’s a fantastic way to utilize leftover veggies and transform them into a gourmet experience.

Why This Dish Rocks on Fridge Raid Fridays

Fridge Raid Fridays are all about making the most of your leftovers and forgotten fridge items. This recipe not only helps minimize food waste but also encourages you to experiment with different flavor combinations. The spicy kick of harissa blended with the creamy vegan yogurt creates a base that complements the sweetness of roasted squash and the rich, earthy undertones of roasted shallots and garlic.

Ingredients Breakdown

For the Yogurt:

  • 1 cup plain vegan Greek yogurt
  • Juice of 1/2 fresh lime
  • 1 tbsp tahini
  • 1/2 tsp harissa paste
  • 1 tsp maple syrup
  • Salt and pepper to taste

For the Roasted Vegetables:

  • 1 butternut squash, peeled and cut into batons
  • 4 shallots, peeled and halved
  • 1 garlic bulb, top cut off
  • Olive oil for drizzling
  • Salt and pepper to taste

For the Crispy Lentils:

  • 1 cup cooked beluga lentils
  • 1-2 tbsp olive oil

For Assembly:

  • Fresh mint, chopped
  • Fresh parsley, chopped
  • Fresh coriander, chopped
  • Fresh bread for dipping

Cooking Steps Overview

Prepare the Yogurt: Combine vegan Greek yogurt, lime juice, tahini, harissa paste, and maple syrup in a bowl. Season with salt and pepper.

Roast the Vegetables: Preheat your oven to 180°C (350°F). Arrange butternut squash and shallots on a tray, drizzle with oil, and season. Wrap the garlic bulb in foil and add to the tray. Roast until caramelized.

Crisp the Lentils: Heat oil in a pan and fry cooked beluga lentils until crispy.

Assemble the Dish: Layer the harissa yogurt on a platter, top with roasted veggies, crispy lentils, and fresh herbs.

The Nutritional Punch and Environmental Impact

Every component of this dish offers nutritional benefits—from the fiber-rich squash to protein-loaded lentils, making it not just delicious but also good for you. Using up leftovers means we’re taking a small step towards reducing food waste, a major issue that contributes significantly to environmental problems.

Chef Herby and How It Works

Incorporating AI like Chef Herby into your cooking routine can revolutionize how you think about leftovers. By entering ingredients you already have, Chef Herby provides creative cooking solutions, transforming them into meals like today’s featured recipe. This not only saves money but also reduces waste, making your kitchen a hub of efficiency and creativity.

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Dive deeper into sustainable cooking with our community at Meet the Vegans. Gain access to exclusive vegan recipes, step-by-step cooking classes, and connect with others who share your passion for food and the planet. Sign up today and unlock the full potential of plant-based cooking!

This recipe is just a glimpse of what you can achieve with a little creativity and some culinary guidance from our expert chefs. Join us next Friday for more innovative ways to raid your fridge!

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